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Position:Home>Poetry> An old poem. a bit of nip tuck here and if you please?


The willow sways
It's rhythmic dance
In expectation
Of the august gale

Her tenacious roots
Entwine earth and stone
Bounden firm
Anchored -- undaunted


Against the force of relentlessness
She strains to hold ground

Upon clearing____ nakedness

Stripped of her jewels,
Her leaves
Her blossoms
______ Her beauty

Blue skies dawn
Un-known to her weariness
Birds pause
Upon familiar perches

With no colors to turn
In october skies
She weds a leaf-less fall
Yet through endurance

She remains.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ENDURANCE

The willow sways
It's rhythmic dance
In expectation
Of the august gale

Her tenacious roots
Entwine earth and stone
Bounden firm
Anchored -- undaunted


Against the force of relentlessness
She strains to hold ground

Upon clearing____ nakedness

Stripped of her jewels,
Her leaves
Her blossoms
______ Her beauty

Blue skies dawn
Un-known to her weariness
Birds pause
Upon familiar perches

With no colors to turn
In october skies
She weds a leaf-less fall
Yet through endurance

She remains.

When one becomes the tree
the poem becomes a celebration
not just of nature
but of life itself.

And for all us, indeed, WIND SWEPT RAINS BITE!

Now to hold ground.

Great statement of strength.

i'm not sure.

Nips and tucks win the day!

This was a beautiful view of a willow. I could feel the august gale throwing itself against a firm root of nature. Honestly, I found it perfect, and I found myself enamored.