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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anyone have any tips on how to write a song?

Question:I write songs, but there's always room for improvement. So I was wondering if anybody had any tips. Thanx in advance! :]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I write songs, but there's always room for improvement. So I was wondering if anybody had any tips. Thanx in advance! :]

I am also a songwriter, I think I write the best when I have something personal going on. I think if you try to write too specifically for a certain genre then it can end up without real substance. Also if you can get a good melody going in your head, that's always a great help. I like to write using my guitar, which I don't play that well at all, lol... even just knowing a few chords can really help you get your voice out and going...

good luck!

make it something you can relate
or make it come from your own experiences because it really seems to help when you wirte

My best songs have been written with friends, both as collaborators and just as editors/people who would listen and give suggestions. I wrote a song which is posted just a few questions down if you want to read it. Good luck.