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Question:If I had to explain every line of what I write, it would take me forever.

True Vogan(the begining)

To have a begining that starts at the end, is like turning round to find an old friend.
So back to the begining you I shall send.
At the start, we think we are smart, putting the horse before the cart.
To smile when you cry, to the heavens you do fly.
Rising, falling, is that you calling.
Sitting, seems quite fitting, when doing the knitting.
There is a dog being chased by a cat, watch out, brick wall, splat.
Come in and join the fray, tis ok now to play.
To and fro, do not know, where im meant to go.
Long way getting slow, hurry up body please do grow.
Show the doubters they can not crow.
Seeing a picture and writing a book, looking at your face is all it took.
With pleasure your body shook, as you started to cook, here chock chock.
Growing, showing, never slowing.
As a baby always glowing.
Going to play group, having soup, feeling like a chicken in its coop.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If I had to explain every line of what I write, it would take me forever.

True Vogan(the begining)

To have a begining that starts at the end, is like turning round to find an old friend.
So back to the begining you I shall send.
At the start, we think we are smart, putting the horse before the cart.
To smile when you cry, to the heavens you do fly.
Rising, falling, is that you calling.
Sitting, seems quite fitting, when doing the knitting.
There is a dog being chased by a cat, watch out, brick wall, splat.
Come in and join the fray, tis ok now to play.
To and fro, do not know, where im meant to go.
Long way getting slow, hurry up body please do grow.
Show the doubters they can not crow.
Seeing a picture and writing a book, looking at your face is all it took.
With pleasure your body shook, as you started to cook, here chock chock.
Growing, showing, never slowing.
As a baby always glowing.
Going to play group, having soup, feeling like a chicken in its coop.

I believe I see what you're asking, unless I totally missed what should be the obvious mark.

In general it's actually a very well-written poem. I see mostly small things that could be changed in it, little wordplays and switches to make it flow better. If you'd like to read over it looking for them, go for it, read it aloud and hear what sentences sound awkward. If you'd like me to point them out, I will, and make suggestions I see fitting.

whats the question?

In line with the first poster, what is the theme of this poem? What is a True Vogan?

Sorry, didnt get it, bit too busy and confusing...

I think it's ok.
Some of the rhyming seems too forced, not a flow to it. You could work on the meter.
Nice work:)