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Position:Home>Poetry> No. 4 in my "Checkmate" series. Do you like it?

The White Bishop
by TD Euwaite

I stand next to the King and Queen
Flanked by Knights
Guarded by Pawns
My movements are not straight forward
I play the angles, but
…I can never move before a Pawn
They make the alleyways in which I travel
I can strike with power
…block an attack
When paired with a Knight or Rook, I am dangerous
When paired with the Queen, lethal
My importance is measured
…in your willingness to sacrifice me


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
The White Bishop
by TD Euwaite

I stand next to the King and Queen
Flanked by Knights
Guarded by Pawns
My movements are not straight forward
I play the angles, but
…I can never move before a Pawn
They make the alleyways in which I travel
I can strike with power
…block an attack
When paired with a Knight or Rook, I am dangerous
When paired with the Queen, lethal
My importance is measured
…in your willingness to sacrifice me


Will you stop tempting me to answer your questions, please! I said I did not want to be here!

I like it, it is so annoying. I even love the last two lines.

Now good bye.

Wow, I like it.
Quite original.
Nice work:)

very nice and wonderful TD.......
and your check mate series is really going to be something great and super-special!

I'm a huge fan of the nardjorf defense...

Dusting off our old board, cleaning the King and Queen.
It's been entirely too long since I've played. Good 'un!

what a really great poem T.D. and so full of pawns ' kings and queens' and deceit .totally awesome.

King's Bishop, not to be confused with Queen's bishop.

Then, you must be the Bishop! Right?
Poems of mystery and intrigue....been a long, long time since I've seen these type!
Well done indeed! You have the game down's afoot, Watson!