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Position:Home>Poetry> Are you monkey happy?

Question:Swinging through the jungle on a vine in the air;
knowing that it's breaking, do you realy even care?
Calling for your monkey friends, but none of them swing by.
Knowing that Iyou're all alone; would you begin to cry?
Peeling old bananas; in silence as you sit.
After dinner grooming self, and eating your own nits.
Dancing your best monkey dance! Most apes just think it's sappy,
But inside all your monkey hearts, are you still monkey happy?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Swinging through the jungle on a vine in the air;
knowing that it's breaking, do you realy even care?
Calling for your monkey friends, but none of them swing by.
Knowing that Iyou're all alone; would you begin to cry?
Peeling old bananas; in silence as you sit.
After dinner grooming self, and eating your own nits.
Dancing your best monkey dance! Most apes just think it's sappy,
But inside all your monkey hearts, are you still monkey happy?

No, I am not monkey happy..I am a little Llama happy....ha ha

no way man.... dat is disgusting!


i think your poem is trying to convey the loneliness of human life itself. its good. i wonder what the phrase 'are you monkey happy' means...........

I find it superb. I like the sensual delight of monkye happiness. I think that you should try and make the poem longer.

Yeah, still monkey happy. Breaking vines on a whim.