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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you consider to be "deep" or "meaningful" when it co

Question:What things come to mind?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What things come to mind?

That would be something that is universal which would truly give it some literary value but which can only be understood in context, i.e., by looking at the author, his thoughts, his philosophies; and the time and prevailing atmosphere when it was written. It can also mean something that uses figurative language and must not be taken literally.

when it makes no sense at all to anyone other than the poet

when they don't sound cliche and express emotions
using the 5 senses, like instead of "I felt hurt when
I saw them two together"..."The smell of her perfume on his shirt and lipstick on neck caused me hurt so I left, he'll regret".

Any poem that ventures into philosophy or spirituality and without being too literal, that always inspire me. I like poems about journeys, how someone has lived their life or how they see it. I also like the use of metaphors and also very abstract or free style poems.

When a reader can understand even half of what the poet felt while writing the poem. personally i love a poem n feel its meaningful when while reading it, i kind of feel like m riding on a horse... rhythm tapping like its foot, a scene or scape runs along with me at a harmonious pace(speed). When words prove emotions , when heart feels the pain, or nerves get a chill...or butterflies surround n make u wanna run to a beloved...or fragrance of a flower comes to u even when there is nothing around.

Thank` for best answer dragon boy. I see you cut your
question short cause you didn`t want anyone to answer
it after me. Notice, I don`t give any of your answers thumbs
down like you do to my answers. Do not go around and give
all my answers thumbs down or make dumbass comments
or I will get you off this site. I hope you`re not as dumb as your
comments. Why do you feel you need to stomp on peoples
work. We put our hearts into our work,then here you come.
Didn`t you ever learn, If you have nothing nice to say,then
say nothing. Grow up. If you want to be a clown then go to the
joke site or join a circus. All the people that you give thumbs
down to when they answer my questions,are not going too
be happy.When you give me bad comments for personal
reasons my contacts will see this. Oh yeah,please don`t take
my ideas anymore. There is a word for that. Have a great day.