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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you think of this poem? any suggestions?

Question:Why is everything falling apart again?
You told me to reach for my dreams
But now I realize it’s not how it seems

I remember when I looked you in the eye
(what did you say?)
And I remember why I started to cry
(what did you say)
Pretend these weren’t all lies

Why am I here left
with nothing but a reminiscent song
I thought I was so strong
But now I realize it’s not what it seems

I thought I was like Superman
Secret mission to save myself
But now I am falling
I see, I thought I was so great
I guess the world’s set me straight
See now I am crawling

I had this picture in my mind
That I could just wait and in time
The pieces would all come together (just fine)

This life’s like a puzzle
Everything could’ve fit right together
But I’ve gone and lost all the pieces
I saw the picture so clearly
I guess it’s not meant to be

Maybe I’m just supposed to say
That everything is all okay
But now that everything’s falling apart
I should stop pretending

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why is everything falling apart again?
You told me to reach for my dreams
But now I realize it’s not how it seems

I remember when I looked you in the eye
(what did you say?)
And I remember why I started to cry
(what did you say)
Pretend these weren’t all lies

Why am I here left
with nothing but a reminiscent song
I thought I was so strong
But now I realize it’s not what it seems

I thought I was like Superman
Secret mission to save myself
But now I am falling
I see, I thought I was so great
I guess the world’s set me straight
See now I am crawling

I had this picture in my mind
That I could just wait and in time
The pieces would all come together (just fine)

This life’s like a puzzle
Everything could’ve fit right together
But I’ve gone and lost all the pieces
I saw the picture so clearly
I guess it’s not meant to be

Maybe I’m just supposed to say
That everything is all okay
But now that everything’s falling apart
I should stop pretending

This poem has the potentials. I study poetry in college, and from a professional perspective, your poem is very elementary. My intentions are not negative, they serve to help you, because after all, you asked for my opinion. Your rhyming scheme does add rhythm but I feel that your poem lacks clarity. But the poem is good for personal or entertainment purposes. So depending on what you use the poem for, I would judge it that way. Sorry if my criticism was too harsh.

I got a better one!!

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I couldn't read this whole damn poem,

I doubt you could too!!!

i love this poem!!!! it sounds VERY realistic (it probably is...right? yeah)

Pretty Freakin Good

Loved your poem a lot!!! Keep on going! Very nice

This is really good.
Did you write this?
Keep it up if you did.
Truly Great!

Omg way good!
You know i would REALLY love to put music to this. PM me if it's okay. =]
Please comment on my poems/songs too in my Q&A's.

I loved it! Good job!