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Position:Home>Poetry> "Night Garden"..a you like it?

Question:She has a hidden garden, too-
..........nurtured in the night.
In dreams her fingers open up
..........fertile soil within.
Her waking rite reveals blood runes
..........scratched across her skin
But she has lost the power th read them this morning light.
And so she rises slowly, haunted a lingering taste-
Takes up her shields and weapons quick.
..........Carefully she wears her face.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: She has a hidden garden, too-
..........nurtured in the night.
In dreams her fingers open up
..........fertile soil within.
Her waking rite reveals blood runes
..........scratched across her skin
But she has lost the power th read them this morning light.
And so she rises slowly, haunted a lingering taste-
Takes up her shields and weapons quick.
..........Carefully she wears her face.

You have used no cliche's, and have revealed new imagery with brisk, quick words. The pace, the rhythm, is perfect. I would love to see this developed into a longer poem, or used in a story. You have a strong understanding of poetry and the magic of words.


I don't think she's cutting weeds! escape into the abyss of dreamland is forever empowering...then to be snapped awake by reality is, in the struggle to exist, it's necessary to wear a personality of protection even to the point of concealing the heart ...this is what I absorb from this piece...and I can relate to it very well and even "feel" for "her"...nicely done, indeed

Yes, I like it. Poetic and clever.

Yes, I love it. It's so mysterious.