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Position:Home>Poetry> My poem fell off the mantle and cracked. Will Superglue help, you think?

Rambler American
by TD Euwaite

I sang Bang!
And the dog played dead…
I went Go!
And the light

To the man up in the sky
Super-size the fries?

Concretely here, completely
Rumors indiscreetly
Point to me

And I sing sweetly…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Rambler American
by TD Euwaite

I sang Bang!
And the dog played dead…
I went Go!
And the light

To the man up in the sky
Super-size the fries?

Concretely here, completely
Rumors indiscreetly
Point to me

And I sing sweetly…


Do you know I haven't the faintest idea what this is all about - but that hasn't stopped me from enjoying the experience of reading it.
Are you saying that everyone ignores you? What rumors (rumours)? - they haven't reached me.

Is that an expletive deleted or just some pretty kisses at the end?

uh yeah
try it sure

nice poem i guess.....

it shood end after Super size the fires... yes super glue and a good creative edge will help. im sorry that it fell )= i hope u can fix it.
<3 u.

very good.
Imho, ellipsis is for authors who can't figure out rhythm.
I would put a play on the "concretely" in the third stanza though, throw in a few of vague adjectives for the irony.

Ohhh, good one. Nice beat. A drum solo.

Answer to Superglue query:

All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

I wish I could get my dog to do that one!
You are causing a raucous, no doubt....
TEN for individualism!
Have you heard of my young friend from Ukraine? She loves my chicken and dumplings...
(REAL chicken and dumplings, the gal was in HEAVEN!)

I like it...was just reading an article about whether or not Dr. Timothy Leary was right...he was!! LOL


You sing sweetly, cracked or not, but I fear superglue can't help this one very much. Try some concrete.

Such fabulous writing. Love it.