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The Corner Office
by TD Euwaite

I see through the window
Children on tree swings
Singing and playing out in the sun

I hear all the laughing
And butterfly wondering
I want to lay in the cut grass and dream

But I must keep working
The day is not over
No time on my watch for wishing away


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The Corner Office
by TD Euwaite

I see through the window
Children on tree swings
Singing and playing out in the sun

I hear all the laughing
And butterfly wondering
I want to lay in the cut grass and dream

But I must keep working
The day is not over
No time on my watch for wishing away


Roach in My Shower
Yoinked and rebasterdized from TD Euwaite.
Through my see-through door I see
Waterbugs playing like squirrels in a tree
Swinging and swaying out in the sun having fun

I hear shampoo dropping
And it leaves me wondering
I want to break the glass set them free, free to flee

But I must keep smoking hay
The stash is not over
So let's just keep dreaming away this fine day

i love it, but if it is a 5, 7, 5 poem, the syllables are off

I really like this poem, but I think if you make it longer it could be so much better!

This poem reminds of the playgrounds poem I wrote last April.
I was at the playground so there were no windows to look out. But I can imagine the swinging
also they would be having fun
laughing playing in the sun.
The butterflies would be one more sign of spring
along with the cutting of the grass dreaming
One would like to lie in the grass and dream but
in reality there is work to do.

Butterfly wondering...only you.

Another prison-themed poem. The confinement and monotony brought on by adulthood? Really saddens me, to tell you the truth, and I've had some pretty rough jobs.

Love it! Simple; flowing like a stream on a warm sunny day. Just perfect.
Too bad you had to work! :O)

O, to be a child again, to be able to swing in tree swings and feel the breeze on your cheek. It's so sad that this moments are so fleeting and the watch is our keeper when we grow older. Great poem.

I love it, a time now.
we all wish to play
the game, it's not over
yet to their dismay
I'll play ya, be warned,
I won't grow old and die
as my mind keeps to wonder
the reasonings of why?

Wonderful.I really got inspired with your poem.Thanks for making my day.Good Day.

le sigh...very vivid ...sigh back to work

It's okay I guess

But you can add more bit details. Bit short and luck of more actions and inspirations.
You cut the dream/ reality too soon.

Anyway wishing for more .... wink!

Time stops for the briefest of moments when a butterfly passes.