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Question:Please...i need a Good poem or nice saying for my friends B-day on Satarday...She's a girl just incase..=)

i'll be very happy if you share it with me....

First best one 10 points....=)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Please...i need a Good poem or nice saying for my friends B-day on Satarday...She's a girl just incase..=)

i'll be very happy if you share it with me....

First best one 10 points....=)

One of my favorite birthday poems:


The second half of my life will be black
to the white rind of the old and fading moon.
The second half of my life will be water
over the cracked floor of these desert years.
I will land on my feet this time,
knowing at least two languages and who
my friends are. I will dress for the
occasion, and my hair shall be
whatever color I please.
Everyone will go on celebrating the old
birthday, counting the years as usual,
but I will count myself new from this
inception, this imprint of my own desire.

The second half of my life will be swift,
past leaning fenceposts, a gravel shoulder,
asphalt tickets, the beckon of open road.
The second half of my life will be wide-eyed,
fingers shifting through fine sands,
arms loose at my sides, wandering feet.
There will be new dreams every night,
and the drapes will never be closed.
I will toss my string of keys into a deep
well and old letters into the grate.

The second half of my life will be ice
breaking up on the river, rain
soaking the fields, a hand
held out, a fire,
and smoke going
upward, always up.

Joyce Sutphen

Try looking on

Here's a good one if your friend (and the people attending the get-together) has a sense of humour. It's a toast.

"Here's to you,
And here's to me--
Friends forever we shall be.
But should we ever disagree --
F**k you! Here's to me!"

Like I said, it's not appropriate in every circumstance (I wouldn't try it at Grandma's dinner table), but when said in the right company, it's good for a laugh. Especially if you start out all serious and heartfelt with the first part, then keep a straight face through the end. Don't forget to raise your glass, too. It is a toast, after all!

To the guy who posted "crossroads": Thank you for sharing.

from the begining
there was you
through time
we met

Check with Eric(eater of the dragon fly pie).
He writes good poems.

Animals in the Refrigerator
Our house was all messy and chewed,
some animals broke in and ate all our food.
Well, they left peas and that's kind of rude.

It must have been a pig with our key,
a note saying, "Sorry, Uncle Tail, ...was hungry."
this note was next to a half gone BLT.

We saw that a chicken got in by its feathers,
after it hid from three storms and weathers.
Stole all the eggs for a rooster named Gathers.

The Tigers growled by, looking for hens,
instead they found nine Minnesota Twins.
the chicken's with Gathers back at the pen.

Bow Wow the Buttermilk Cow, strongly disagrees,
as Clyde the lion eats steak, she cuts the cheese.
"Stop it", said the lion, "sour cream makes me sneeze!"

Little Amster the hamster smushed all the grapes,
using his cannon to slam all the apes.
Then the apes started to fling the banana crepes.

I'm sorry, none of this is true , that's a pity,
We were all at a football game in the city.
It was really my sister's cat, Miss Kitty.

This really is the end of my story.
All readers are invited, dinner's free,
The house is messy, and we all get peas.