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Position:Home>Poetry> This is how I have felt of late... Would you read my poem?

Question:Bitter acknowledgment of the truth
It is always my fault
For the ever Holy
Faultless One, cannot be put to shame
So it must be me
Yes, all me to be blamed
I made this so
I created the imperfection in myself
It could be no other
So point
And mock
Scorn and scoff
I am the fault
For all the spread of sin
I know it and accept it
Tiered of trying to be something
I am not

This is not a self-blame but a bitter voice crying out to God… if He is blameless it must be us… the things we cannot help are our fault? My comment on life here, hope that I won’t always be so bitter…

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Bitter acknowledgment of the truth
It is always my fault
For the ever Holy
Faultless One, cannot be put to shame
So it must be me
Yes, all me to be blamed
I made this so
I created the imperfection in myself
It could be no other
So point
And mock
Scorn and scoff
I am the fault
For all the spread of sin
I know it and accept it
Tiered of trying to be something
I am not

This is not a self-blame but a bitter voice crying out to God… if He is blameless it must be us… the things we cannot help are our fault? My comment on life here, hope that I won’t always be so bitter…

Very moving and powerful poem, which seems to elucidate the fact that one is the creator of one's own reality, and therefor our sorrows of our own making. (But there is a positive undercurrent in that applied conversely, that means that one can also make life a better place by reconstructing that reality.) There is meaning in these words of bitterness and pain. Very poignant. Thank you.

Therein lies the rub...without the fun. I too, know where you are standing. We are, as Jonathan Edwards once put it "Sinners in the hands of an Angry God." I tremble to think of my own unworthiness, my righteousness as filthy rags. And yet, this poem speaks to me, because I think it is love that makes us worthy. And there are those who love you, and me, therefore, we are made worthy, by their love, for His love, and by His love, for their love.

EDIT: Thoughts on the writing, sorry for preaching. Yes, ahem, (put's on monacle and clears throat) I do believe I appreciate this form of poetry, although the word "tired" is spelled with only and "i" and not an "e" before the "r", but I am certain that this was a typo of lazy fingers. As for the other, I am not certain that I like the first letter of ever sentence capitazlized, but I believe I heard somewhere that it was grammatically correct to do so. I would use some punctuation for dramatic stops, particularly in the lines, "I made this so. (period or comma or semi-colon)/ I created the imperfection in myself (comma)/It could be no other." Or something to that affect.

And your point was???

good poem but god does not want us to be ashamed of being sin full! he made us to show his glory and to worship him he knew that their would be a day when he was put on the cross and crucified but he came back to life!!!

Your poem acknowledges the attempt to admit accountability for your actions which is a good thing. The tone suggests you not to think it all completely your fault, which suggests hypocrasy. For you to suggest "all the world ills are on your shoulders" suggests martyrdom. You hold God in contempt for putting you into the situation you're now in, and you have yet to release that anger because that would mean there's really something wrong with you-which is something which would kill you to admit.

Don't worry, Eva knows you weren't talking to her but those female pastors that said, "nice poem..." and that was where the comments stopped.

I have been through this stage already and i now live on the other side...


A great poem about humility and getting to Heaven. You have the right idea about morality. Extremely well done. When you get to Heaven, ask God for mercy. He will be merciful.

It's sad, and most likely not true about yourself, but it's very good, very deep, and very amazing [:

I like it ....
we tell the world...
we have broad shoulders bring it on.... pile on the blame if it makes you feel better.....

I am sad because so many do not get that you are not blaming yourself, but doing the exact opposite... though you have never blamed God you have and do blame what people make Him out to be. The perception is not always (most often, is not) the truth, baby. But this is a good way to get those feelings out.

I think the poem is saying to the reader that the speaker is tired of following a set of strict rules, tired of being made to always be at fault, talked down to, berated, belittled, and just generally unhappy with life. Just my opinion, on the poem. No offense meant. Thanks for sharing.