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Position:Home>Poetry> Four of five... only one more after, could you comment?


Messenger of goddess
Whispers in the ear of
Carrying the judgment
Nurturing the birth
Tidings of sorrow
From her hand carry
on her wings
seasons are lifted
and landed
will you hear her
She speaks to all
who seek peace
She uplifts oceans
and holds butterflies
The world through the ears of
Winged sister
Change has come

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Venti

Messenger of goddess
Whispers in the ear of
Carrying the judgment
Nurturing the birth
Tidings of sorrow
From her hand carry
on her wings
seasons are lifted
and landed
will you hear her
She speaks to all
who seek peace
She uplifts oceans
and holds butterflies
The world through the ears of
Winged sister
Change has come

some one said that you are not may not be.....someone else said that these poems would make a good book......I think they would.... wheather you be pagan or new age...or none of the above you have a strong connection with the universe.....the elements... and your spiritual side.....which is way more important than any lable anyone can put on you.... keep listening to the wind my friend...

I wish you would post your pictures with these, though that runs the risk of plagiarism, and that would be very very bad. People would steal. I don't feel as connected to Venti as I have to Organa, Owaisis, and Incendia, but she is still beautiful and gentle in her way. I think I know her more when she is a hurricane, pounding reason into my head and never relinquishing the grip until I finally come to the realization of truth and prophecy. Right on, Rouxe, write on.

Interesting concept, a series of five blank verse presentations commenting on the world's condition from a pagan's point of view I don't know if there is a market for this but I'm sure that it would be a hit in a coffee shop reading with gentle new age music in the back ground or a composition could be easily composed with violin and flute.

Isn't it interesting that he calls you pagan when i know, officially, you are not. It doesn't bother me much but i do hate it that anyone who says something about nature is seen and labeled as such.

The poem is a brilliant show of Wind and speaks to my heart... I know this is the one of the five you most connect with.

and Air, they move
in me
in you
in all who listen
I will
be open to

This is even more stunning and wondrous than the others, to me. Venti has a gentleness that whispers of vast power behind her, her form taking shape in one lovely line after another. I finds especially beautiful the lines "She uplifts oceans and holds butterflies aloft". This poem is both calming and exciting somehow. I love it. Thank you.

I think i would like this better if your line breaks weren't so odd. But I still think it is a good poem..I really like the last two lines "Winged sister/Change has come"