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Position:Home>Poetry> First of 5... more about the elements, will you read and leave a word?


Standing with embracing arms
Ever virgin
Open Mother
Birth given unto all
Lay on her bosom
Find strength
Find comfort in fresh soil
Growth and spring
She is ever lying
In glades
In wood
Clothed in flowers
She reaches her arms to the
She is dyeing
Beneath our hand
We have spurned
The Mother
Organa means

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Organa

Standing with embracing arms
Ever virgin
Open Mother
Birth given unto all
Lay on her bosom
Find strength
Find comfort in fresh soil
Growth and spring
She is ever lying
In glades
In wood
Clothed in flowers
She reaches her arms to the
She is dyeing
Beneath our hand
We have spurned
The Mother
Organa means

Flawless- you lull and entice your readers with a beautiful and graceful depiction of the Mother, Earth,and then hit them hard with "She is dying, Beneath our hand". I was very strongly affected by this. Abuse of our Mother Earth is of great concern to me, and I appreciate your own concern. Thank you.

I like it.
Nice work:)

I loved it!
thats so sweet :)

Wow. I think I've heard these somewhere before, perhaps in the back of my own mind, or over a wire connected to genius. *wink*. This is a beautiful portrayal of earth (a theme that seems rampant lately) and I love your lines "She is dying/beneath our hand/we have spurned/the mother." I also love the name, rich connotations.

Yeh its okay, but maybe could do with a little work.

Ah, the mother... Wouldn't it be nice if they could see her pain? maybe then they would stop butchering her!

The Earth may sleep
the ground can weep
if only her child
would not Rape her
The place was set
in gardens green
now falls to death
of smoke and screen

Earth and man, will they ever get on.
How much longer will the mother, put up with her disobedient child.

Wow this is so beautiful and so with so much power about our mother earth as she is getting so beat down more and more year by day.I loved how you explain she-is dying beneath our calloused hand as we have worked her and took from her till she has nothing left slowly but surely..