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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem i want to say about death?

Question:i once asked a question that got to the answer i am looking for today-- anyways--- this person told me to recite this poem by someone i want to say is Ghalil Khilib or Gandi Habib or some name like that-- she sent me the you tube link and it was like a little cartoon like green person speaking this "poem" by that GH HG HB person.. If anyone knows who i am talking about-- PLEASE TELL ME who that is and what the poem is. I really want to hear it again!!! thanks~

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i once asked a question that got to the answer i am looking for today-- anyways--- this person told me to recite this poem by someone i want to say is Ghalil Khilib or Gandi Habib or some name like that-- she sent me the you tube link and it was like a little cartoon like green person speaking this "poem" by that GH HG HB person.. If anyone knows who i am talking about-- PLEASE TELL ME who that is and what the poem is. I really want to hear it again!!! thanks~

Could you mean Kahlil Gibran?