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Question:The poems or stories I write are full of sadness now and then, its just how I see the world at times.
But if I didnt, I might not be writing at all.
Into my head the words flow, my brain always on the go.
My true feelings, not always on show.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The poems or stories I write are full of sadness now and then, its just how I see the world at times.
But if I didnt, I might not be writing at all.
Into my head the words flow, my brain always on the go.
My true feelings, not always on show.

I know, I know, sometimes I use my own sadness to write poems but that doesn't mean that I'm sad all the time. I write happy poems too. Happiness can be good too. Sometimes I write about my cats as well or experiences that I've had. So don't use sadness as the only reason to write.

Anger and frustration fueled my first poems. Stupid things sometimes, like cars being parked straddling the white lines so that others couldn't park. Stuff like that. Some about the lack of promotion for women, especially older women where I worked and the acceptance of that as being perfectly normal.
Poems I was asked to write for Leaving Do's - but, then I was hooked. I wanted to write real poetry. So, hopefully, I did.

I would comment that -if you are writing introspective poems which, in your case are sad, you should show your true feelings! Especially if you feel inhibited and unable to do so face to face with people. I don't write those kinds of poems because I don't feel sadness. I feel liberated and often when I try to write something sad - it turns into something playful.

The second half is great; from "Into my head..."
But the first half reads like ordinary prose and must be reworked. The ideas are fine it's just not lyrical.
Keep working and don't be satisfied until every bit is polished.
Good luck on the road!

It see how you tried to incorporate a rhyme into the last sentences. Pretty clever, the timing could be a bit more precise tho, lol! Your sullen disposition plays a part in your poetry? If so, it would be nice if you displayed one of your morose poems =^-^= Great Job expressing yourself ^_^