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Position:Home>Poetry> Give me a theme and I will respond very quickly with a short poem on it?

Question:I am testing my skills of spontaneity in writing... I want a theme and then I want to respond almost immidiatly with something for it... try me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am testing my skills of spontaneity in writing... I want a theme and then I want to respond almost immidiatly with something for it... try me!

How about chasing Dusty Bunnies?
(My task for Wednesday.)

30+ starting college

I like it. Thanks I am going to print it out and keep it for my motivation. I am ready to go, and it seems that life is getting in the way already. But I am not giving up just yet. Good Job

a drunk men theme????? jajaja

write a poem on your greatest wish!

What about hte magic of meditation

A poem about Esure

Loving your baby's father