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Position:Home>Poetry> My guy friend wrote me a confusing poem.Help?

Question:Okay, my guy friend wrote a poem for me. I have a boyfriend but we really like each other. Do you think its any good, and does it have a kind of secret message? Is my friend trying to tell me something???

Forever shall never be found deep inside her
For she's way too impressed by the way he caught the spider
It would be a love without the use of any organs
So enlarge my conciousness, and refine my sensibilities
I see that they make you quiet and lonesome
My heart too is full of heaviest mercury
Industrial melancholy
I have time without patience, and patience without care of coherance
I make music in my head
And wish that i was dead

What do you think? What does it mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, my guy friend wrote a poem for me. I have a boyfriend but we really like each other. Do you think its any good, and does it have a kind of secret message? Is my friend trying to tell me something???

Forever shall never be found deep inside her
For she's way too impressed by the way he caught the spider
It would be a love without the use of any organs
So enlarge my conciousness, and refine my sensibilities
I see that they make you quiet and lonesome
My heart too is full of heaviest mercury
Industrial melancholy
I have time without patience, and patience without care of coherance
I make music in my head
And wish that i was dead

What do you think? What does it mean?

"Forever shall never be found deep inside her
For she's way too impressed by the way he caught the spider"

He knows that you and him will never get together because you are too enamored by your current boyfriend to consider your guy friend as a boyfriend.

"It would be a love without the use of any organs
So enlarge my conciousness, and refine my sensibilities
I see that they make you quiet and lonesome
My heart too is full of heaviest mercury
Industrial melancholy"

The way he loves you is entirely different from the way your current boyfriend does. He knows that his efforts aren't really getting through to you and you prefer the love that you get from your current boyfriend. His advances make you turn away from him, and it makes him turn away from you because of his being rejected.

"I have time without patience, and patience without care of coherance"

He was willing to wait for you but his patience is running out. He is also getting frustrated and doesn't know how to get through to you to let you know that he truly does care for you.

"I make music in my head
And wish that i was dead"

He is trying to distract himself and keep content while you are still with your boyfriend, but it is really eating him up inside that you choose the boyfriend over him. He wishes that you would choose him over the boyfriend but he knows that isn't going to happen.

I think it is very good.
I'm not sure about the message it's trying to give off, it's kind of mixed sayings.

but he might like you.

yeah...he wnats you "it would be a love without the use of any organs.." i think he loves you ...

I think he is trying to tell you he have feeling for u cause

forever shall never be found deep inside her sound like something to me

the part where he's like "she way to impressed by the way he caught the spider" i think that means you like your boyfriend because he does things that impress you and the "time without patience" is he's waiting for you to leave him but he doesnt have patience and he's going crazy about it "i wish that i was dead" he seems pretty miserable waiting for you. that's how i see it.

Wow, he is amazing!

its a very good poem with mix`t feelings,
but other he loves you very much and care for you (in a friend way)
or he is in love with you VERY much, thats a Cinda of poem that someone will wright to someone they love, and i think he loves you, and if i was you i would talk to him and ask him about the poem like where did he get his inspiration?
and then if you see that is is in love then, if you care more for him then for your boyfriend then i would break-up with your boyfriend and tell your friend how you feel,
it sounds like he is REALLY into you!

good luck,

wow, amazing... =)

Wow this poem has meaning. The only part that seems a bit over dramatic is the end of "And wish that i was dead" don't be too concerned with that as it is likely poetic dramatics. Still I caution you on how to deal with this, unfortunatly someone is going to get hurt. Its not fair for you to be placed in this postion, but people can't help their feelings and your friend probably had to work up a lot of courage to write this and put alot of meaning to it.

I agree with Zak you have to make a decision on which guy, your current b/f, or you your friend who wrote this poem, which do you want to be with.

I've been in the postion that Zak described he has been in, unrequited love believing that the girl you care for is the wrong guy and you are better. I've also been in the postion of your boyfriend, not knowing the situation of your realationship, your b/f might think things are fine and if you break up with him for your friend he might be completly sideswiped and deeply hurt.

The best thing you can do is talk both your friend and your boyfried SEPERATLY! and be honest with each. Guys usually don't get the complicated emotions that women feel unless it is explained to them so that they can relate.

Don't worry deep in your heart you know the right thing to do, just use your brain and the two will sync up. One last suggestion might be to write a response poem to your friend or you b/f depending on which you choose if want to let him down easily. Good Luck!

As a poem? Sure, it needs to be edited because the way it is written creates a lot of confusion. But, perhaps the confusion IS the point. He has feelings for whomever he wrote it for but it is so mixed up. The next time you see him say, "You're mixing your metaphors again..."
He has some great lines and if he really worked on it then, I think, it could be a great poem.
Having said that, after you read it a couple more times it makes a little more sense....a little.