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Position:Home>Poetry> An emo poem!!!!! what do u think ???

Question:truthfully im emo on the inside cutting away my heart and soul

on the outside im a good little boy who does what hes told

on the inside i wear mack up and braid my hair

on the outside im a boy who wears masks and has long hair

on the inside i cry for the emotions that are never spoken

on the outside my arms layered with sleeves there are cuts and scars from my own hands and weapons

on the inside i have feelingsnoone understands

on the ouside my face never shows a thing

on the inside im dead from all the pain and suffering ive gone through

on the outside im about ready to jump off a cliff

on the inside im ........***silence***

the outside no longer lives so the inside no longer feels

this is from a time when i was emo and cut myself that person is dead. but every time i see these scars i remember him

i wish i could get rid of these scars like i did my past

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: truthfully im emo on the inside cutting away my heart and soul

on the outside im a good little boy who does what hes told

on the inside i wear mack up and braid my hair

on the outside im a boy who wears masks and has long hair

on the inside i cry for the emotions that are never spoken

on the outside my arms layered with sleeves there are cuts and scars from my own hands and weapons

on the inside i have feelingsnoone understands

on the ouside my face never shows a thing

on the inside im dead from all the pain and suffering ive gone through

on the outside im about ready to jump off a cliff

on the inside im ........***silence***

the outside no longer lives so the inside no longer feels

this is from a time when i was emo and cut myself that person is dead. but every time i see these scars i remember him

i wish i could get rid of these scars like i did my past

that's very good, i love how deep and intact with your emotions you are. I am emo and used to cut myself. thats when i started to write poetry. now i stooped cutting, and like you, wish the scars would stop haunting me. But i was a cutter, and always be one. even if i don't have any new scars to prove it. your very gifted. maybe we could share some poetry one day.

That omg! Speech-less! Great Job! I am a poet/ and emo also....luv it!

i loved it and i tought it was a great description of emo

you love poems...obviously...

fantastic!!! outstanding

omg! i love it! ur a relly good poet. i love the way that ur words flow, and they still have spectacular meaning. i love the way the poem sends its message clearly. ur expression is extordinary. ur descriptions make the reader [aka me.:P] get a relly clear image, n i connected with the strong emotions in expressed in the poem...excellent work..keep it up! n keep posting

omg that is aamazzing! josh u out did ur self this time! although i dont like the emo subject.