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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for the him and her... read?

Question:Bound to pen
My love for him
Ever vowed
To never send
But in time
Will be revealed
A love so strong
Can’t be concealed


Held to page
Her lust for hers
Awaken rage
Heart ever stirs
Storm shall break
Upon the Earth
A gentle shake
Romance is birthed

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Bound to pen
My love for him
Ever vowed
To never send
But in time
Will be revealed
A love so strong
Can’t be concealed


Held to page
Her lust for hers
Awaken rage
Heart ever stirs
Storm shall break
Upon the Earth
A gentle shake
Romance is birthed

Hmm You have some interesting poems here...The first reminds me of a poem I wrote once about unrequited love ( I know what you are thinking which one?) It is very romantic.
The second one well.still romantic but it feels more violent?..for some reason...Hmmm I didn't catch this before but are the poems about two different couples? And if I'm not mistaken are they both same sex couples? Tee hee I hope so. (If I'm wrong please don't tell me)

His and hers poetry? What's next, cute little embroidered towels? Just kidding. This is fun, I noticed that your love is for him. Is there a him yet, or is this merley hypothetical? I like the short quality. Less is more, not to quote a certain hobbit, just to tell the truth, and this is fun. I'm waiting for storms to break upon my earth...sigh, I guess not anytime soon.

I really, really like it. And I emphasize on the "really's"

Well, Sir...

Your feel for meter and rhyme in these is excellent. In both cases, I wanted a stronger final word (at first). As I am rereading them, I enjoy the fact that you reached for salt instead of saffron. TD

TD knows his stuff,
it's true,
a common spice,
but that's not you.

Come down to Earth,
my precious child,
Salt is the birth,
please stay awhile.

And know that all
your work is pleasing,
let not the public be
ego appeasing.

Sing another song.

I am the she
Who binds her lust
Now one question I must put to you
Who is the he
that holds your heart?

I absolutely loved your 2 poems they were both really great with so much emotion' and sadness.Very Good.

Amazing...give us more!

Words are life, breathed into another.
Some times a foe, some times a lover.
First poem: The love is hidden, wanting to be reveled.
Wanting to be seen but, thinking of the (no)
Second poem: Feelings are many things in this world, they help us see our true feelings, sometimes hiding them.