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Position:Home>Poetry> One for the philosophers of poetry... what do you think?

Question:Sensation of a last breath
Caught within the sticky net of words
Ability to hold a thought
Within the quill
The flutter of butterflies
The bodies’ chemical response
For all the eyes take in
A simple spattering of ink
-or pixel

What sets these words apart?
The small winged bugs drift into the stomach
Only in thought
But they are there

An inspiration

Can faith be inspired?
Or is it already present?

The poets’ creed;
To be honest on page
Only then
Will they take time to read on
But will it change them?

A simple glance at scribbles
And perception shifts
Sliding into their own pen

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sensation of a last breath
Caught within the sticky net of words
Ability to hold a thought
Within the quill
The flutter of butterflies
The bodies’ chemical response
For all the eyes take in
A simple spattering of ink
-or pixel

What sets these words apart?
The small winged bugs drift into the stomach
Only in thought
But they are there

An inspiration

Can faith be inspired?
Or is it already present?

The poets’ creed;
To be honest on page
Only then
Will they take time to read on
But will it change them?

A simple glance at scribbles
And perception shifts
Sliding into their own pen

I can definitely see how it is for the philosophers because the questions in the poem make you stop and think. I don't know what to say other than I am completely inspired by this piece. I think is absolutely wonderful. For some reason I have an special interest in written works about writing and the joy of writing. Beautiful job...Keep up the great work.

While I am no philosopher, as you well know, this is truly an astonishing feast for the mind. I especially like the question "Can faith be inspired?/Or is it already present?" That baffled me. I think a lot of times our faith is inspired, someone tells a story, an act of "god" happens or whatever. Who knows if it is inherent within us to be faithful. I also love the last stanza, absolutely brilliant, about how readings the words of others inspires us to do different, to be better, to have faith. This is a feast for the eyes and the thoughts, Rouxe. You'll turn me philosopher yet. By the way...

This is really good, Martian like. Have you been to Mars...or

In my pen
is your perception
faith is achieved
not by birth,
by learning.

Knowledge is
a painful burden,
come Dear Rouxe,
into the garden
of delights and I will
show you


It's a wonderful description of both the inspiration and the work necessary to write a poem. The last two verses are amazing.

Tranquil thought
spilling from the wound
made by words on page
I sit and stare
uncaring that I am bleeding
for your poem

Has bewitched me

At first it seems as if you are speaking about simply writing poetry after being inspired but then at the end it appears that you are speaking of plagiarism..(I'm pretty sure I'm wrong on thatlast part ) I've given up trying to decipher this poem at just sit back and appreciate it ..It is very nice and I hate to go back to my high school days of commenting on poems in creative writing but...I like the words you use..It is very lovely how you take words and string them together

Life is a mix of different things, like there is a mix of different words in your tale.
Sensation of the last breath, is in your first breath.
Both the spirit and the world is in your words, people find it easier to read problems than listing to them.
The pen is mighter than the sword and they do change people, one way or another.
Life is us, but we are also life.