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Question:Whom thinks that I should stop poetry and NEVER do it again or write a book?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whom thinks that I should stop poetry and NEVER do it again or write a book?

Never stop witting poetry. It's the only thing is this world that keeps us sang with emotion. the only thing that keeps me from cutting and keeps me of suicidal watch. please, poetry is a gift few people encounter. take hold of it, never to release it from your grip. let it suffocate you and treasure it's hope for you.

Yes stop.
7 days without soccer makes one weak


Never stop writing poetry, and if you want, write a book. I myself do both, but I enjoy poetry much more I must say. Let no one discourage you, even if you think your writing is terrible. One man's junk is another man's pleasure, one man's sorrow is another man's joy. Don't ask me how that works, but it does. Blessed Be, and never lay down your pen.

not i. poetry is one of the few things in life that no one can tell you to stop doing, and it would be a shame to spoil another person's dream. never stop. never stop writing ... until you decide you want to stop. writing is self-expression ansd self-actualization, one of the highest human needs - after oxygen, water, food, clothing, shelter and (my opinion) hope and faith (notice I didn't say faith in what, because I don't want to get off the subject.) write. write. write. write. write. (Did I say, "write"?) oh yes, and don't forget to write. write. write. nobody writes anymore. we're glued to audio and visual media. writing is an exercise, and art, a craft. It's difficult. It exercises your brain. It stimulates your thinking. It promotes your growth - mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When you write, you have a dialogue with yourself. you have a dialogue with others. You set priorities, you express your values, what you believe in, what's important to you, what's on your mind. WRITE!

Never give it up,
aching hand,
aching heart,
though the words
of others
can be cruel,
heed not the darkness,

Breathe for the moment,
exhiliarate yourself
in those sensations that
only come
with observation.

Delight yourself in knowledge,
breathe onto the page
and watch yourself
create a world
a paradise and haven.

Poetry allows a catharsis of feelings. It helps to express hope for the future. If you feel like writing poetry, continue to do so. No one should tell you to stop.

if sum1 says no will u really stop. that is the question,
heres sunmthing to help u decide.
go grab a coin. if heads u stop. if tails u write a book.
***Flip the coin but dont look at it.
when that coin went up in the air u wanted sumthing.
what was it?

do you want to stop??? Your last poem was allright. Could you be doing anything else better??? I'm asking you; are you any good at poery?? If not, well then maybe you should keep writing, but if you are good at poetry, could you be better?

If you enjoy it, by all means, keep writing! Even if you never publish anything, it's worth doing so long as it is valuable to YOU in some way.