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Position:Home>Poetry> My little thought on jobs, comments?


I just sold myself...
I played the nice.
I faked the smile.
I made you want me...
I sold myself,
for not much more
than minimum wage.
But at least,
my rent will be paid.
I don't even want you.
But I sold myself...
Your 9-5 is killing me.
But bills won't wait,
they don't care.
Food's on the table.
Because I sold myself...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Again

I just sold myself...
I played the nice.
I faked the smile.
I made you want me...
I sold myself,
for not much more
than minimum wage.
But at least,
my rent will be paid.
I don't even want you.
But I sold myself...
Your 9-5 is killing me.
But bills won't wait,
they don't care.
Food's on the table.
Because I sold myself...

well i like it because i immediately thought of a whore, but then i realized its about whoring one self compromise your integrity, your sense of self, and most imporantly your precious time on earth at these crappy jobs. i know where you are coming from...i've had hundreds of jobs. i can't believe so many people just go along with it. life is bizarre.

They might delete this you know. But I agree..the man is always bringing us down.

Very interesting. I like what it is saying and unfortunately it is so true. One has to do what one has to do in order to survive. Sometimes that amounts to us selling oursevles. Very good write. Bravo.

i't nice but "I sold myself" uhm I don't like it

Interesting concept on should look into another way to make a living....but the words are true, so may go through life without fining that special job. I love what I do, if I were rich, I'd do it for free. Thanks for sharing.