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Position:Home>Poetry> Hai' ku, Low' ku, No' ku's just fine for me. Is it ku?

Angry little clouds
Springtime showers moistening
Azaleas on fire


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Angry little clouds
Springtime showers moistening
Azaleas on fire


Yes......It is ku

Well Done TD...well done.....and every time you come around with some difference! and that's what make TD special......

Oh, thank you! I so miss my lovely Azaleas! is!

I have no idea what you mean. I know "ku" is 9 in Japanese if that helps! LOL..

Totally ku! This was wonderful. I miss Azaleas too, my heart goes out to Bayard Lady.


Very ku.

I love the contrast between the "angry little clouds" and the "azaleas on fire"; they're opposites (if you take them literally, I mean), but they are interrelated with your wording.

We need to call Doctor Elys in for a learned opinion on ku or nu or Hai' whatever. In the interim, I will go on record as saying it is an excellent KU.

Glad you've joined this Haiku day. It's oku with me.

Lovely and kute.

It's K-me....
The spring time showers are doing more than moistening 'round here today. It's downright SOGGY!

Yes, it is Ku...time of year, nature, contradiction/complement of showers of flowers.
One teensy thing in the last line....azaleas is a four count....OOOOPPPPSSS!!!!!!!!

Back in the pine forest.......gnats, drats, hmmmph!!!!