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Position:Home>Poetry> Writer's Block!!?!?!?!?!?!??

Question:I have writer's block and can't think of a poetry topic. Can someone please give me an idea of somthing to write about?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have writer's block and can't think of a poetry topic. Can someone please give me an idea of somthing to write about?

Springtime, Mr & Mrs Bluebird building their nest, while the other creatures of nature are watching them. How excited they are that they will soon have baby birds, how nice the yard they chose is and the bird house the nice lady hung on her tree. The cat in the yard.

Thanks for the best!!! Great job on the poem, I really love it! Report It

Other Answers (4)

  • easypiecy2001's Avatar by easypiec...
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  • Write about writer's block and the struggle to overcome it

    there ya go! what a wonderful poem!

    write about something that makes you smile. something maybe in nature that when you see a picutre of it or hear about it, it just makes you go, "WOW" or describe something simple like an apple but with descriptive words in a poetic way.

    From the poems you've submitted, which are quite nice indeed, seems you might not need a real big push for subject matter.

    But here goes: spring/spring rains, seasons, pets, things blossoming, winter that won't go away.

    I usually look at really beautiful pictures at google images and find lots of things to write about.