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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem in between moving. How do you like this.?


You will never know,
the depths of my fear.
Watching my lifetime,
slip slowly away.
Dazed and confused,
by things I have dreamed.
Consigned to oblivion,
I long to be free.
Distracted by evil,
drugs got in my way.
One day I looked up,
it all slipped away.
I've no one to blame,
but me, no one else.
The reasons are mine.
they've all I have got.
If all I could tell you,
just one little thing.
Do not get it twisted,
you've one chance to play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: "life"

You will never know,
the depths of my fear.
Watching my lifetime,
slip slowly away.
Dazed and confused,
by things I have dreamed.
Consigned to oblivion,
I long to be free.
Distracted by evil,
drugs got in my way.
One day I looked up,
it all slipped away.
I've no one to blame,
but me, no one else.
The reasons are mine.
they've all I have got.
If all I could tell you,
just one little thing.
Do not get it twisted,
you've one chance to play.

It's true, there are no second chances in life. So you need to make the most of the one you do have. Good poem Steve.

i love the way you described your life like that. i just don't get the last 4 lines. but that's ok. i think the rest of the poem said enough. another great poem by The Dark Prince.

Here in Sin City that ode could be anthem.
keep on truckin' man.

How's the new place?

I like it, but I think it would have more of an impact on me if it rhymed. But the emotion is deep, and it's good in that respect.

great till the end but i lost it then

that is totally awesome!!!!!!!
did u go through something like that?

well said, and well written. Keep on keeping on.

Great insight on the candidates for President of the United States!

An excellent flow and message. Although dark it does suggest doing the right thing in the end. My compliments.

Try this one as separate verses

You will never know, the depths of my fear.
Watching my lifeftime slip slowly away,
Dazed and confused by things I have dreamed,
Consigned to oblivion I long to be free.

Distracted by evil; drugs got in my way (path?)
One day I looked up, it had all slipped away.
I've no one to blame but me, no one else,
The reasons are mine, there is only myself.

Of all I could tell you, one thing you should know
Don't get it twisted, you've just one dice to throw.
(Don't misunderstand?)
I have interfered with the end of your poem because you lost the rhythm you had created previously. I hope I have interpreted the lines correctly.

By creating the longer lines a smoother rhythm is created

(As you have 'way' and 'away' as a rhyme I wondered whether a different word 'path' could be used - but it's not important)


i hope the readers of this poem take heed to it's message. the end is the best to me. as usual i enjoyed this poem also.