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Position:Home>Poetry> Does anybody have any really good emo peoms?

Question:about love cutting you no stuff like that. Or any web sites with alot of emo peoms

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: about love cutting you no stuff like that. Or any web sites with alot of emo peoms

Knock yourself out. And quit cutting.

i cut my self for my depresstion
black roses are my best
if life is so fair why does roses have thorns
and now i lost my black eye-liner

love and your blood,
seeping into my pore
Your body is one of an elegant whore.
The knife you carry slits into my brain,
underneath all the sorrow and pain i have gained
To you death is a dark politician taking a bow
but I am an emo,
a self-indulgent cow.

******* emo pussy bitches wah wah wahhh i cut myself cuz my life sucks and my mom over cooked the roast and meh meh meh too bad my life is so bad cuz theres ppl in the world who dont have homes and are starving and i should kill myself because i have all these things and i take them for granted mamehdmamehama im little *****

and that is my poem on emos (remember to read it in a high little annouying emo voice or it takes out the fun of making fun of u mooks)