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Position:Home>Poetry> Do we need a poem like this right now?

Question:In Black & White
By Semper Fi Reborn

The world as a marble
A round and perfect sphere
Of milk
With swirls of chocolate syrup
Through the streets
Making sound

Go deeper still
Our world has become
A great page of white paper
With black typeset
Each jointly telling a story
In unison
Neither more powerful
Blank without ink
Bottled up without paper
Newsworthy together

Now think about
Black and White people
Shouldn't we come together
Like milk and chocolate syrup?
Shouldn't we watch our words
Before we speak?

It's all there
If we look
In black and white

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In Black & White
By Semper Fi Reborn

The world as a marble
A round and perfect sphere
Of milk
With swirls of chocolate syrup
Through the streets
Making sound

Go deeper still
Our world has become
A great page of white paper
With black typeset
Each jointly telling a story
In unison
Neither more powerful
Blank without ink
Bottled up without paper
Newsworthy together

Now think about
Black and White people
Shouldn't we come together
Like milk and chocolate syrup?
Shouldn't we watch our words
Before we speak?

It's all there
If we look
In black and white

The pen will bring the mighty down and heal the rifts of time. I liked your poem, I just fear that there will be much gray before the dawn is finally bright.


I agree with the message, but the poem is,

Beautiful! I love you all, no matter what color!

Hmm, I kind of like this poem. But I'm biased because I totally ? chocolate milk ;) Did you write this? It's a little more prose than I'm used to, but it has a good message. America still has a longggg way to go before chocolate milk.

wow that was a good poem and very nice. I also wish that black and white people can come together in peace. Keep writing poems that one was Good.

Interesting to read. Reminds me very much of a poem by John Agard called Half-Caste.
I think we'll always need poems like these: to remind us of where we've come from and how far we have to go. Keep up the good work.

I don't need a poem like that. People are people, colour is just as unimportant as our outfits.

The poem was great though. What I mean is there shouldn't be a reason to write it in the first place. But it's good some people do, hopefully it will open the eyes of other people...

i find the poem to be a poweful message that gets people to think we should all listen to this poem

Great message!

I liked the message behind the poem.

I need it and I believe that we all need it to live.

Wow. Your poem is almost like a dream. I really like it congrats!

that was unbelievably touching!!!!
we definitely need some love in the world!!!!!!!
i truly think obama would help!!!!
vote obama!!!
vote peace!!!!
no more wars!!!!
peace love and no hate!!!!

Yes, we do need a poem like this right now and for always.
I love this poem and I feel your words in my heart. You know, my favorite childhood church song was "Jesus loves the little children" I took that song to heart. I never have cared about complexion, only what's in a person's heart.
Lovely Poem, Semper.

Wow, Excellent message Semper <3

Well written and throughly poetic my friend @)~>~

Well stated, write on, write on!

Flowers for your day!

d-rail is a little harsh but i will put it better words i LOVE the message just not your best poem..God bless u

Well said. And it should be said again and again until people finally hear and take it to heart. Wonderful poem Semper.

YES!! We ALWAYS need a poem like this!

I like this poem indeed,
it talks about it in black and white form
now its in white form
like paper
I like the combination
milk and cholocate syrup

I am not a fan of the beatles as they were pretty much athiest or new age, and sang many things that back then we didnt understand, and now know were against God. Like IMAGINE.
But I think of the song EBONY AND IVORY as I read this poem, and it is wondeful. As the song sais,
Just as God intended.
Any racisim is bad wether it is blacks doing the hating , or the whites, or the red, purple or green ones. Ludicrous.
God says He created us all equal and in His image, the image of love. WE surely dont all look jsut alike, even in the same race > Again ludicrous thinking that we all look alike.
There are wonderful ppl in every race and culture, and in gender, and there are bad ones in every race, culture and gender as well.
God looks on the heart, and this is how we are to do as well.
Yes, we must watch our words, and even before then, look at our own heart with God. If our heart is right, our words will be right.
I dont know that I would say we are like milk and choclate syrup, tho I get your sweet point.
But we are ppl, and I like to stay there. We are all ppl with value, just the same> Its only our heart that determines whether we are Gods or not, and He still loves us all, even when we arent His. But to be saved, we must give Him all of our heart. Jesus came to save , heal and deliver, and we are to be like Him.
For those that say that are Christians and hate the blacks, I always tell them to go back and see the Biblical description of Jesus. This man was not lily white.
Hair of wool, skin as bronze, and look where HE came from.
He was a black JEW.
So if you say you hate blacks and yet claim to love Jesus, it is a lie. Becasue Jesus is black skiined as well.
And if we care what color Jesus is, we wont be in Heaven either.
God is not about skin color and we are to be just like JEsus Christ. It is commanded of us that are born of God, to have the nature and mind of Christ, the new creation man.
We will hate what He hates, and love what He loves and apply that to every area of our life.
I love your question and I pray it maks a few think.
My decision not to vote for Obama isnt about skin color. I wont vote for Hllary either, and I am a woman like her.
Its not about race or color. Its about who they are and what they stand for.
They must be for america if they are to run for president in the USA.
I would love to see a female president or a blac president, , but one that is qualitifed. . The must be pro america and not of the new world order at all.
But it doesnt matter who is running. Jesus is coming soon. Lets be sure our hearts are ready to meet Him when HE comes, to get ready and stay ready.
Ebony and Ivory, when Jesus comes. YEP.
living togeher in perfect harmony, side by side...
OH praise God, for showing us the way.
sister shirley

this is one of the best poems i have ever read, it holds such a powerful message. you have an incredibly big heart, and beautiful soul, not to mention talent to top it off. God bless you, thank you for spreading love and unison!!!!

The poem says a lot, But Mr, Wright hate speech Bomb, has set this back from happening for years, Would be nice of you to send him a copy. Doubt it would do any good, but he needs to read it. Good job.

It only works in theory and not in practice because we will always have people willing to condemn in others that which they will not condemn within them self. In this instance I'm talking about the Obama people giving a pass to actions that they would not, under any circumstances, allow another of a different race or political party. Dig deep and use every ounce of objectivity you possess, then tell me that you would accept the exact same actions of George W. Bush as you so readily defend for Obama. You wouldn't - and you shouldn't. Your poem is written in thin air because the paper isn't there.

Sorry, I think it is a bit silly.

It's a nice poem. If you dont' agree with me, give me a thumbs down.

i dont think so i think we are all redy in peace sorry but i like the candy detals

no black and white should not come together sorry.