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By Kelly Reiger

Today, unexpectedly I found myself watching you
as you sat quietly in a darkened room
gazing out at the stars you so love.

You were alone
a rarity
for you are usually a person who seeks others.
Yet today I see
you wish to be alone.

I feel loneliness emanating strongly
from your being
it is tangible
like a ache from deep within.

I wish to spare you this pain
but I fear that the simple touch of my hand,
a gentle word,
any gesture of kindness from me
might break you
and send you spiraling towards madness.

So I stand here
watching you
as you sit there
agonizing over whatever it is
that has hurt you so.

I wonder at where your strength comes from.
How you handle all the things that you do.
Then a epiphany comes
and I realize
that your strength does not come from
swords, money.
Nor even words
but from a inner power.

A inexhaustible power
that you are able to draw upon
whenever you need to.

And it is this that I realize
is truly your best defense.

And I…
I just stand there
by all that you are.

that you will survive this
with or without me.

For that is who you are…
what you do.

I could reach out to you
give what support that I could
but would you truly thank me for it?

I doubt it
for pain must be experienced.
That is the way of life.
And it is your way.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: THE INNER YOU
By Kelly Reiger

Today, unexpectedly I found myself watching you
as you sat quietly in a darkened room
gazing out at the stars you so love.

You were alone
a rarity
for you are usually a person who seeks others.
Yet today I see
you wish to be alone.

I feel loneliness emanating strongly
from your being
it is tangible
like a ache from deep within.

I wish to spare you this pain
but I fear that the simple touch of my hand,
a gentle word,
any gesture of kindness from me
might break you
and send you spiraling towards madness.

So I stand here
watching you
as you sit there
agonizing over whatever it is
that has hurt you so.

I wonder at where your strength comes from.
How you handle all the things that you do.
Then a epiphany comes
and I realize
that your strength does not come from
swords, money.
Nor even words
but from a inner power.

A inexhaustible power
that you are able to draw upon
whenever you need to.

And it is this that I realize
is truly your best defense.

And I…
I just stand there
by all that you are.

that you will survive this
with or without me.

For that is who you are…
what you do.

I could reach out to you
give what support that I could
but would you truly thank me for it?

I doubt it
for pain must be experienced.
That is the way of life.
And it is your way.

Great poem Kelly! You referring to someone? Because reading your poem, I could feel the agony of the person you are referring to...

Beautifully written darling! You could go places with work like that!

Beautiful poem Kelly -- is it new?

An oldish one from me


Rattleclack , "Bloody Trolley"
Never steer the things straight
Rattleclack ,. ................. "Sit Still Stacy'
Now! .............. Bread, yes. Eggs, yes. Milk ........Aisle 4.
Rattleclack, .. " Stacy! Don't Touch"
Cola, Coffee, Teabags ............ "MUMMY"
Rattleclack, ....... Brat poison, Crisps
"Mummy, I Wanna sweetie, Now!"
SMACK. " 'Behave" ............. Oh no
There she blows WHAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Give me strength, .............Clack
WHAAAAAH!! "Stacy cut that oot"
MMMMMMMHT "And put that lip away"
Clack, Clack, Rattleclack CRASH
"Oops, Sorry", .... Rattle, Ratle, Clack Bloody Trolly
Check list, got,...... got, got
Good, "I wanna sweetie"
"Stacy!' ............... mmm
Anything for peace and quiet
"Only if you are good"
Clack Bleep, bleep
Purse, money, forty six, twenty
Come on Stacy out, ..... in the buggy
"Oh No!, Forgot the beans"

since writting these poems about Stacy, and her long suffering mum -- I have encountered a few real Stacy's -- named Stacy aged 2 to 4, just like my fictional one.
Now next time you hear a tired voice yelling "Stacy!! Don't Touch" ---- you will get a small smile as you remember my poem.

This was entered into a writing competition a few years ago.
The women typing up our enteries, Kept a copy of Rattleclack 3, and stuck it to her fridge, because at the time she had a little girl who behaved just like Stacy

As usual, I love your poems, keep up the great work!

Your poetry is so beautiful, great work, yet again =)