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Position:Home>Poetry> Can you rhyme Haiku poems?

Question:I know part of the "rules" of writing a haiku poem arn't rhyming, but is it consider improper if it does?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know part of the "rules" of writing a haiku poem arn't rhyming, but is it consider improper if it does?

A Haiku that rhymes
Inappropriate at times
Though they are not crimes

I think so tht its ok
help answer this ques. pls!;...

you can,
but its not required

guess so.
i thought about writing a haiku sonnet.
IE: consisting of 10 lines.
three three line stanzas
and one stanza of one line,that line being the last.

originally they HAD to rhyme, in Japan but now they mostly dont but it is perfectly fine if you rhyme it, as long as there are three lines with five syallbeles in te first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the last line.

It's not necessarily a real problem, especially in haiku not originally written in Japanese. Haiku rules were relaxed a bit in 1980s/90s, during a worldwide massive increase in popularity of the form, and many languages around the world couldn't always accommodate the strict form that had been based on syllable patterns used in the Japanese language.

In fact, not all haiku these days even has to have the 5-7-5 line structure. I have an anthology of haiku that contains 2-line and 4-line examples: 'Haiku', edited by Jackie Hardy, publ. MQ Publications, London, 2002.

'molonglo guy'