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Question:I know that you see it
But please don't push it
The button is there
I wish it didn't work
Sadly it works too well
The button causes change
In me
I hate that it's there
I change into a person
That holds nothing back
I don't like him that much
He has helped on ocassion
But he has hurt more than helped
So I ask you
Don't push that button

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I know that you see it
But please don't push it
The button is there
I wish it didn't work
Sadly it works too well
The button causes change
In me
I hate that it's there
I change into a person
That holds nothing back
I don't like him that much
He has helped on ocassion
But he has hurt more than helped
So I ask you
Don't push that button

I love how your work describes things that I feel... that is the show of a true poet; to communicate a feeling not just a thought.

You know how some smells take you back to some place in your past, good or bad? this poem has the same effect.

I am not the authority, right now, to say well written... but I will say, well felt. You have touched me and many poems on this sight do not do that.

did you write that?

u should b a poet

dats mad gangsta SON

its really good i wish i can write poetry as well as you can, im enivous of ur ablity

suspensful..makes you think.. i like it.. keep up the good work

its cool........can i press the button and see what happens??? LOL!!!!

u need a counsellor and fast

its a very good poem and I understand what it is about, you should consider publishing it

I like it! But I would change it to "a person who holds nothing back".

I HATE IT!! I'm just kidding, it's reallly good, I know how you felt writing that poem. You have talent!

wow that was really good! Keep it up hottie! Send me some if u want to

well from a fellow poet, i can see you are a very deep person...but you are not digging deep enough into your soul to express this poem fully and completely. it is very good though, i like how its metaphorical with the whole button idea.

good job! i like rhyming poems the best, but this is still good

keep on writing!

Sounds like someone has been pushing your button!
I know this sounds crazy...but ITS ABSOLUTELY TRUE: No one can push your "buttons" without your permission....think about it.

Your poem is great.
It's good to know people still speak their minds, it helps the rest of us know we're not alone.
You're giving some solace, and that's invaluable.
Keep up the good work.
And thank you.

Hopefully I never push your button! Well done. P.S., if I do, please give me a 3 second head start. I have never lost a fight that way!