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Question:Don’t trust me I’m dangerous

In the sky
Don’t know why
But I will fly
I hear you calling me.
But I can’t be built on lies

What did you think would happen?
You made me with whys
And I got to taste passion?
And now you wonder why
Don’t trust me I’m dangerous
I’m waiting to fly

I didn’t ask you for your love
They feel like whips and chains
Is that what your calling love?
Have it,
My minds gone but my body remains
let me tell you again
Don’t trust me I’m dangerous

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Don’t trust me I’m dangerous

In the sky
Don’t know why
But I will fly
I hear you calling me.
But I can’t be built on lies

What did you think would happen?
You made me with whys
And I got to taste passion?
And now you wonder why
Don’t trust me I’m dangerous
I’m waiting to fly

I didn’t ask you for your love
They feel like whips and chains
Is that what your calling love?
Have it,
My minds gone but my body remains
let me tell you again
Don’t trust me I’m dangerous

Hi Gideon, this is what I get from this piece...

First stanza (person b/to person a)
You are being asked to do something, you’re not sure why. You are going to do it, and you hope the request is not built on lies.

Second stanza (person a/ to person b)
Now that you’ve done it, you have a taste for it, and you’re waiting to do it again. However you now have ulterior motives, and they should be fore warned.

Third stanza (person a/to person c)
You didn’t ask to be in your current situation, you are unhappy. You are there body only, your mind is elsewhere. Again, you are fore warning.

Quite the picture you've painted... well, at least in my head. What happens next??


McGonagal lives!

Hmm? What's with the chains? Is it symbolic?

Don't think much of it. There are too many contradictions that don't really make sense.

i'm not feeling it*