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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my happy birthday poem?

Question:Happy Birthday

We celebrated this day
with wine and love and poetry
the two of us envisioning
a life of many more.

Today I celebrate alone
no wine, but love and poetry
still fill my heart for you
can you see the candle?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Happy Birthday

We celebrated this day
with wine and love and poetry
the two of us envisioning
a life of many more.

Today I celebrate alone
no wine, but love and poetry
still fill my heart for you
can you see the candle?

I am sad you are alone. But, we're here - all your new Martian friends. Happy Birthday.

Ya. It is nice...............

Yes. Does it relate to the loss of someone? I hope you're ok!

yes..simple but thoughtful

Yes, it's pretty good.

The wine and love part is cool but poetry throws it off.

it doesn't rhyme...... but cute =]

goooooooooooooood but lonely stuff

Yes, it's very good! I can see the candle! I'm sorry you're alone.

Very heartfelt poem. Well said.

You will never be alone again.

You will never be alone. You have many fans. I am your
number one fan and friend.

It's a touching poem, Elaine. My thoughts will be with you today.

I like it!

These lines made its way to my touching and you are not alone...

Its quite good but lonely. You will come over your loneliness.

Beautiful poem, but kinda sad.

Nothing vanishes and nobody disappears as long as we still think about them. Your poem is soft, soothing and full of love.