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Position:Home>Poetry> My first hauki would do you think.?

Question:In the spring
Smelling flowers telephone rings
Go for the day no work all play.

Going out on the beach
sand so nice bare feet
walking in the night
looking at the moon and stars
shined so bright.

Early mornings
mowers going
birds chirping
animals chasing
animals mating
soon many babies.
Flowers so bright.
Long days short nights
summer is alright
cannot wait.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In the spring
Smelling flowers telephone rings
Go for the day no work all play.

Going out on the beach
sand so nice bare feet
walking in the night
looking at the moon and stars
shined so bright.

Early mornings
mowers going
birds chirping
animals chasing
animals mating
soon many babies.
Flowers so bright.
Long days short nights
summer is alright
cannot wait.

Beautiful, peaceful words my friend <3


It's all good, there are many different types of Haiku's

my fav is:

hikus are easy
theydont always make sence
I want my momy

Haiku is 3 lines with 5, 7 and 5 syllables in that order

I thought Haikus were:

5 sylables
7 sylables
5 sylables

With the last line having some profound meaning.

Early morning frost,
crystals dance across my lawn,
Freezing my nuts off.

I don't understand hauki, but somehow I think there is something missing.