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Position:Home>Poetry> Onomatopoeia and Rhyme!!!!!?!?!?!?

Question:I need some help!
i need to write a poem with onomatopoeia and rhyme together in one.
I just need it to be 4 lines thats it....
can you please help!?!??!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need some help!
i need to write a poem with onomatopoeia and rhyme together in one.
I just need it to be 4 lines thats it....
can you please help!?!??!?

You need to know this and compose your own nice poem:
They are sound devices:

A word imitating a sound.
bang pop bam clap
Similarity of sound in the last syllable.
Example: Spoon and broom

Other sound devices:
Euphony: pleasant combination of sounds;
Cacophony: "bad-sounding"; refers to the unpleasant discordant (cacophonous) effect of sounds or words

The giraffes came to the river-bank patapatapatapata
and on reaching the bank pata, pata, pata.

-note the running then the casual walk effected by sound devices

idk, cause what is it supposed to be about? the easiest topic would be about spring, something about bees going buzzzzzz or something. hope i helped...

answer my question please...

Bang bang I heard it before.
Swoosh.....went the door.
Eek, another bore.
Thump, I hit the floor.
