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Position:Home>Poetry> Would you like to read my poem about the savage that stole my wife and child fro

Question:An Indian stole my woman
His name was "WP"
How could a simple savage
Taken her away from me?

First he started showin her
His Totem poles and art
Then he started touching her
gently on the arm

I simply trusted him
I thought they were just friends
But you cannot trust and Indian
They think we stole their lands

The savage couldn't read or right
The savage was a liar
The savage took my child as well
He's sitting by the fire

I should have known the savage
Had some magic mojo power
To mislead my trusting wife
With his spirit fire

The savage never said much
Kind of grunted like a dog
As he carved his totem pole
From a ceder log

Please never trust a savage
I warn you straight and true
They will steal your woman
It's what they like to do

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: An Indian stole my woman
His name was "WP"
How could a simple savage
Taken her away from me?

First he started showin her
His Totem poles and art
Then he started touching her
gently on the arm

I simply trusted him
I thought they were just friends
But you cannot trust and Indian
They think we stole their lands

The savage couldn't read or right
The savage was a liar
The savage took my child as well
He's sitting by the fire

I should have known the savage
Had some magic mojo power
To mislead my trusting wife
With his spirit fire

The savage never said much
Kind of grunted like a dog
As he carved his totem pole
From a ceder log

Please never trust a savage
I warn you straight and true
They will steal your woman
It's what they like to do

i liked it, i thought it was pretty good. straight to the piont and it blunt. are you dure he was'nt a shaman?

Personally, I didn't like it. You can't categorize everyone of a certain group because of the bad experience that you had.

I like it, but also, its kind of racist. But, you have every right to be mad.

This is a nice poem
however I am sorry about
your circumstances.
But don't paint a certain
a bunch of people with the same
You are someone without identity
no wife no children
someone who betrayed your trust