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Steal Rail
by TD Euwaite

Many napkins have been scrolled
with poetry quite rare
We sip and sip, and smoke a bit
and wonder why we dare
With Marlowe there, and Thomas Kyd,
we lift our tankards high
Drunken poets raise the bar
In a pub somewhere on Mars


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Steal Rail
by TD Euwaite

Many napkins have been scrolled
with poetry quite rare
We sip and sip, and smoke a bit
and wonder why we dare
With Marlowe there, and Thomas Kyd,
we lift our tankards high
Drunken poets raise the bar
In a pub somewhere on Mars


My peanut soaks
silently in the shade
of an ale glass half gone flat and trinkets
line the top shelf
where aliens lay
eggs and dream
of red wind and amber eyes.
and mars
of mars

Belly up to the bar, poets! I do wonder why I dare...but I thank those who will let me, encourage, and cheer me on, you being one! Love you as always, and the poem. Flawless. Verily, mine friend, thy genius dost strike a chord near unto me heart. Thou art, in essence, a master.

I tip my drink to Euwaite the Bard.

Not really keen on trains to Mars...
But I'll drink to the poets
Sitting in bars!


Oh, the truth of it all.

H*ll y~aaaaaaaa

Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout <3!


Although i don't partake in libations, I raise my glass of Pepsi in your honor!

that is the sweetest thing i have ever heard
call me

Prithee, knoweth thee only this, thou wastrel, and mark it twain:

For sooth, no matter whither thou goest or how far thine scurvy scurrying footpads take thee, I shall soon know thy business.

How about this,

Many chicken carcasses have been consumed
With salmonella quite rare
We eat and eat and die a bit
And wonder why we have heart attacks
With soup flavored dynomite, a magical towel, and STDS
We lift our flavored candy straws high
Drunken Bob Seger fans beat you with shoes
So they buy you a hooker named Timbuktu

I like it very much. It tells it all, and does it with style.

I doth like your newt poem, and I'm glad it wasn't a nude poem.


Raise the bar in a pub somewhere on Mars......double/triple meaning here.
Write anywhere, on anything, but give it your all!

Back'd it go???

As long as they are not plagiarized that's OK with me!

Mine ears hath heard better ,mine eyes aswell hath beheld words far more devine...but thine attempt twas not so thinkest that thou T.D doest have skill. keep em coming both the libations and thine poetry.

Buk's is better

liketh alot

I'll have another bloody martian and back 'er up with a cap'n cosmos and two jello shots. What the...someone forgot to bring the jello?

Ha ha ha ha........I thought it would be about Dust Bunnies.....
Me dust think too much...........
good one TD.

Drunk or sober, may our muse follow us in our adventure. May she never tire of the journey. And may we continue to "raise the bar" for ourselves and all the young poets to follow.

Give me a cup of sack, rogue!
Anon, anon, sir!
I wish hours were cups of sack...
Let a cup of sack be my poison!
My lips are scarce wiped
Since I drunk last...