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Position:Home>Poetry> Why you can't entirely trust the speaker in this poem?


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As many people tend to be when in love, the speaker of this poem is very limited in his perspective. He claims that the angels were jealous and took his love away from him. I seriously doubt that is truly the case, but he has been hurt by the loss and must react somehow. He seems to make somewhat fantastical accusations of angels locking away his love as a way to understand and come to terms with her death.

Another thing to keep in mind is that we are given these words and thoughts through one voice. Poetry is subjective--the form almost demands it to be so. And as such we cannot always accept everything as true because we only know it from one viewpoint.

WOW! a long poem....well you cant ENTIRELY trust the speaker 'cause you never like seen him/her.........I guess :D You have to see it to believe it!

LOL my motto

I will give u a star!