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Question:When I was in high school, I could write poem after poem without hesitation. Everything inspired a verse in my head. Since, I have gotten married, had 2 sons and pretty much lost all "alone time". But, my husband started taking evening college courses recently, so I made a resolution this year to start writing again since I have some downtime in the evenings now....but I just cant seem to get it right anymore. Has this ever happened to anyone? How did you gain back your creativity/ability to write?

What is your inspiration or muse?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I was in high school, I could write poem after poem without hesitation. Everything inspired a verse in my head. Since, I have gotten married, had 2 sons and pretty much lost all "alone time". But, my husband started taking evening college courses recently, so I made a resolution this year to start writing again since I have some downtime in the evenings now....but I just cant seem to get it right anymore. Has this ever happened to anyone? How did you gain back your creativity/ability to write?

What is your inspiration or muse?

Don't think about it too much, just sit down with pen and paper, and start writing whatever comes out.

Remember, poetry is more emotion and less mind.


Ms Miche ; })

Like you I used to write a bit of poetry almost everyday unfortunately my creativity disappeared and really hasn't as yet returned. All I can suggest is to just write random thoughts that pop into your mind in a notebook, even just a word here or there that's what I'm doing in the hopes the creative juice will flow again.

Good luck....with finding your special inspiration....mine was just life in the day of

Yes it has
mannny times. just close your eyes and meitate on your true feelings... then link them to what makes you feel that way

the options are endless o.o

My muse is her, but have written just what was on my mind. I write without limits, meters or rules. Just let it flow. Slowly, but surely it'll come back.

I have ideas in the back of my mind (along with other things that I won't mention, and hopefully they stay in the back of my mind) for stories, and I get them started, but never seem to finish them.