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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem by me?please please please read.?

Question:Alone. beside my a untouched phone. in aganing I groan as I grind on my bone. I hear the voices in my head with a sort of evil tone. I am the unknown. alone

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Alone. beside my a untouched phone. in aganing I groan as I grind on my bone. I hear the voices in my head with a sort of evil tone. I am the unknown. alone

I don't think it's horrible:)
If you like it that's what matters

Sorry but I don't like it. It doesn't have a real rhyme for the reader to get into. You know??

Your desire to have people pay attention to this is creepy.

I don't like it at all.

Too many people these days slap together shitty emo bullshit and call it poetry.

Sorry, you people (not just this kid) really need to learn there's a lot more to poetry than sappy, cliche stories of love-lost or the even worse cliched love-found.

Get over love. Sorry, guys, you missed the Romantic / Gothic period.

Find something new to write about.

Is this a cry for help thing? I hope so, because as a poem, it's stinks worse than the skip outside my front door, hooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... And for the record, "aganing" is not a word, believe in it baby! If you are actually serious about writing poetry and not just flooding the boards with sh!te, I suggest you read some poems that made it to print.