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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem: "The sick and psyco child". Kinda different. What do you think?

Question:Oh when Oh when shall the voices stop?
There telling me to hurt kids!
There telling me to cut myself
And open Vodka lids
They repeat like crickets
Chiming in the night
Worming in my feeble mind
It feels so wrong not right

I should have never bought the gun
Or sharpend my gramps knife
I have these constant visions
Of people running for their life
And being paid by Hitler to regulate the gas
And having a sweet girlfriend with a nice tight ***

You see everyone has wronged me
They deserve what ever they get
After I'm done I'll put the gun
To the temple of my head

Dreams and visions of darkness
That is all I know
People speak of gladness
But this I do not know
All I have to offer is what I am inside
A lonley and sick person
Who will never ever cry

My mother is a prostitute
My father is her pimp
I am good for nothing
And my rod is weak and limp
Nobody ever took care of me
They did not even smile
So why should I forgive them
When they hate my style?

If you call me Emo
I'll shoot you in the face
Don't you try and follow me
To my secret place
You can't hear the voices
They are just for me
Everytime I hear them
They make me wild you see

I know your laughing at me
But just remember clashing with me
Is like slashing me
And that's going to make me
A very hurtful spirit
And you won't even hear it
So you better learn to fear it
When my bullet hits your bone

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Oh when Oh when shall the voices stop?
There telling me to hurt kids!
There telling me to cut myself
And open Vodka lids
They repeat like crickets
Chiming in the night
Worming in my feeble mind
It feels so wrong not right

I should have never bought the gun
Or sharpend my gramps knife
I have these constant visions
Of people running for their life
And being paid by Hitler to regulate the gas
And having a sweet girlfriend with a nice tight ***

You see everyone has wronged me
They deserve what ever they get
After I'm done I'll put the gun
To the temple of my head

Dreams and visions of darkness
That is all I know
People speak of gladness
But this I do not know
All I have to offer is what I am inside
A lonley and sick person
Who will never ever cry

My mother is a prostitute
My father is her pimp
I am good for nothing
And my rod is weak and limp
Nobody ever took care of me
They did not even smile
So why should I forgive them
When they hate my style?

If you call me Emo
I'll shoot you in the face
Don't you try and follow me
To my secret place
You can't hear the voices
They are just for me
Everytime I hear them
They make me wild you see

I know your laughing at me
But just remember clashing with me
Is like slashing me
And that's going to make me
A very hurtful spirit
And you won't even hear it
So you better learn to fear it
When my bullet hits your bone

let me tell this to the persona you have used in your poem: "no i am not laughing at you, and i can be your friend."
man, this was scary but on the other hand, i feel like giving sympathy to that young man.

Is this based on your life, comming out of your head in these words, the beginning is rough but the rest is really good, i write similar poetry but less violent. I have a question tho, do you really have visions??

Scary but good..xx..?

It reminded me of a song by alice in chains called " queenj of the rodeo "
read it please
it can be a rock n roll song

Thats really good. Its a scary truth, but it's good.

It is forlorn,sad and scary...
And violent,too!
Guess what? I like it!