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Position:Home>Poetry> Elvin alert...are you prepared?

Question:In Elvin halls,
below the ground.
The elves are sleeping.
Not a sound.
Beware, we've got to watch our back!
Preparing for the next attack!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In Elvin halls,
below the ground.
The elves are sleeping.
Not a sound.
Beware, we've got to watch our back!
Preparing for the next attack!

Attack they will, I no not when,
But usually when dark, at half past ten.
I know because the clock did chime,
I clutched my shamrock just in time.
They scurried off across the moors
I quickly bolted sashes and doors.
They'll be back, they always do
Looking for people like me and you.

Oh, how precious. It starts out with a very Tolkein elven feel, then goes straight to Irish "little people." You've given my head a lot to play with here, and for me, that constitutes a good poem.

Oh, how cute! I love it, really.

This is really different, and because of that, unique and special. I don't see a lot of poems about elves, and I wish I did. There's a lot of really awesome subject matter in mythology in fantasy. Can I borrow your muse?

I will be waiting for the "attack" at exactly half past ten! ;-)