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My Muse
by TD Euwaite

He’s up the soapbox
In one hand, he holds truisms
In the other, he holds his crotch
He speak loudly, and the words sound really big
I don’t get it, but it’s big,
The background music is Hip Hop
He says words, if I did I’d get arrested
Or knocked of the soapbox by bullies
So my words are unspoken
I will standby and let the others
Express my anger…


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
My Muse
by TD Euwaite

He’s up the soapbox
In one hand, he holds truisms
In the other, he holds his crotch
He speak loudly, and the words sound really big
I don’t get it, but it’s big,
The background music is Hip Hop
He says words, if I did I’d get arrested
Or knocked of the soapbox by bullies
So my words are unspoken
I will standby and let the others
Express my anger…


I get it, and YES, I don't get it..
Are those truisms too big for the one hand, or is the crotch too small for the other?

Sure, I lick your boots it's really good.

I sometimes do this: let others express my anger.

don't be anger ... please
coz i don't wanna lick you poem !

cool .. bro!

Dat rap....dis coffee cup....I say no bad words before I wake up...could be about 2 p.m. this afternoon!

Now that's a poem that'll wake up people! Neat!!

Cool I do like it a lot & I lick it very much too.

strawberry flavor mmmm I do not just like it , I love itl. star for you,,..

Yes I lick it too.

I certainly do. And it's delicious.

I'm not awake yet........I am now tho ...

A wee bit of anger

I am under going anger management. A good friend told
me "Never give them any ammunition". Turn and walk away
Try it,it works. I also don`t understand why people grab their
crotch..Probably cause their pants are falling below their knees. What is that about?

That is big! Wow! I lick it!