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Position:Home>Poetry> Calling all writers and poets. What do you think of my website?

Question:I have just created my new website it is a work in progress. What do you think?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have just created my new website it is a work in progress. What do you think?

I admire anyone who creates a poetry website. Good luck with yours.

Sorry no offense but it's a bit too blank... What hosting are you using? You should get one with a built-in WYSIWIG builder instead.

It's fine -- I like the simplicity and "openness" of it, and I especially like the muted colors. Jazzy graphics and colors would only fight the poems for attention -- and they are, after all, what it's all about. The quotes are great too -- have lots of them.

You may want to gather your poems into one "folder," and have another folder for the poetry of guests.

I like the monochrome photographs. have some more, but be sparing for the above reason -- they might compete with the poems. But overall, VERY NICE!

I think it looks good, it's very stylish. The quotes are a nice touch. One great thing about it is poems can be posted in their original format, not like on here where everything gets shunted across to the margin. Good luck with getting it off the ground.