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Position:Home>Poetry> I'm writing a poem and need help?

Question:I really cant think of a word to put after this

" This emptiness, change it to ...."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I really cant think of a word to put after this

" This emptiness, change it to ...."

This emptiness, change it to...
-Compartmentalized Nothingness
-An Orgy of Fire
-A Three Headed Dragon
-A Baby Monkey
-A Flying Baby Monkey
-An Evil Flying Baby Monkey
-An Evil Flying Baby Monkey That Can Shoot Fire Out Of It's Monkey Nose
-A seed with room to grow into the sky
-four quarters
-A box
-a little gnome, sleeping comfortably under a mushroom whilst smoking his corn-cob pipe.

I vote for "hamburger"


I need the context...

please submit more


You're going to have to give more information, there's an endless amount of words that could follow that!

"love, this hurt, change it to care."





Lough Ness

This emptiness, change it to 'fullfillness'


change it to brightness :)


"full waters' roar"

Firstly, what is the context?

Who are you asking to change it and why/ how (will they do it - if they can)?

What do you want it to change into? The opposite of emptiness?

I don't think anyone could put a word there without knowing the answers to those questions.