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Position:Home>Poetry> How can I deal with Frank's constant gassings and bombs?

Question:I live with the infamous Frank and he constantly drops bombs and sprays deadly gas. How can I deal with it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live with the infamous Frank and he constantly drops bombs and sprays deadly gas. How can I deal with it?

I f leprosy were to afflict you
And your nose fall off
You, unique in this world
Would rejoice!

Smother him in his sleep.

I am beginning to smell a most odiferous smell as in getting set up for the big blob. And who might you really be. Living with Frank? Those animals do not spell. Do I smell a Frankpoop?

i agree with the other guy... smother him then buy air freshners... A LOT!!!

The Johnson & Johnson Company, as well as Proctor & Gamble, make a wide variety of products that will deal with your problems frankly...Ta Dah!