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Position:Home>Poetry> Hmm, just playing around, wrote this for T.D. in "symbolics" whaddya t


T, t, t,
sHaTtErS da plaster
an all >>out MASTER
Wicka, wicka,
wicked ta
^flip flop^ rhyme
>>->Freight train>>->,
No BrAkEs!
A t=r=a=c=k so fine
Is something ))missin’?((
Is he dissin?
Hell no,
Not even
Just a ^flippin’^
~}[o~u~t~t~a this world}>
One poet
from *Mars*
has been

keep up the great work my friend, you're amazin' @)~>~

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: T.D.

T, t, t,
sHaTtErS da plaster
an all >>out MASTER
Wicka, wicka,
wicked ta
^flip flop^ rhyme
>>->Freight train>>->,
No BrAkEs!
A t=r=a=c=k so fine
Is something ))missin’?((
Is he dissin?
Hell no,
Not even
Just a ^flippin’^
~}[o~u~t~t~a this world}>
One poet
from *Mars*
has been

keep up the great work my friend, you're amazin' @)~>~

You guys are too much.

One night, when I was stage manager, I heard an old veteran pull the young front man aside after the first set. He grabbed him up by the collar and shook him, "What are you doing trying to finesse these people!?! Nobody cares how pretty you can play! Just stand up there and BLOW!

Whenever I encounter a timid young voice unsure of itself, I walk up to them and holler, "Just stand up and BLOW!"

That's how you put a fire out (or start one).

I can't wait to raise a glass with all of you.


I agree with you 210%, hon. A shout out to T.D. everyone, and of course, to the newest poet of mars, Po3ticMi$t3$$ !

really cool again Shad i love your poem s but mostly i love your great style as your a one in a million as is our T.D....A FRIEND

Welcome to Mars. We'll recite your poetry in the communal dome.