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Position:Home>Poetry> My friend wrote a really mean poem 'for' me, calling me emo.. read it?

Question:The sharp and shiny razorblade
Slit up the emos’ arm
Down came the blood
And washed the hate away
Out came the gauze
And dried up all the blood
And the sharp and shiny razorblade
Slit up the arm again

GRRR... is it funny or offending to you?

i do cut
shes the only one that knows
it makes me sad

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The sharp and shiny razorblade
Slit up the emos’ arm
Down came the blood
And washed the hate away
Out came the gauze
And dried up all the blood
And the sharp and shiny razorblade
Slit up the arm again

GRRR... is it funny or offending to you?

i do cut
shes the only one that knows
it makes me sad

not good poem. its not funny.

Guess ur right it is mean

It's really poorly written.
Like, bloody awful (no pun intended).
You shouldn't take offense to it.
Your friend was probably just trying to get a negative reaction out of you, so if you don't react to the poem at all, she'll just stop writing.
And Lord knows that would be a tragedy... ::rolls eyes::

Maybe she is trying to tell you how much what you are doing bothers her...and just doesn't know the correct way. Why don't you ask her what she means or talk to her about the reasons you cut and the obvious pain you are in..

She's trying to get to stop cutting.. (My opinion)

well if you cut, then the poem is pretty messed up.
I mean if you didn't, that'd be funny.
But I think that's crossing the line making a poem like this "for" you since you do cut, and she's the only one that knows.

Depending on my mood, I would find it either funny or sad, not offensive.

If you've been keeping this to yourself for so long, why reveal it here?

Please get some help for this. You don't have to cut. You might think that you have to, but with help, you don't.

If you're cutting yourself and you've confided in her about it, she's obviously not a very good friend. She should take it more seriously because it's quite a serious problem. Talk to her and tell her how much he poem hurt you. Friends are there for support, and this was not very supportive of her.

you should just ignore it

It doesn't sound mean to me.
She's probably trying to help you or trying to understand it.

That's not rly funny to me at all. It just seems rly rly hurtful and offending. Are you sure this person is your friend?

It has the rhythm of a child's poem. It is cruel.

Cutters do so for a reason -- usually it is because that pain lessens the pains in their heart -- and that is the one that really needs healing.

The poem is powerful though -- perhaps she was hoping to cut through your vision of cutters to find another way to resolve the problems.

second verse- and out comes my 9mm and blows your *** away and the sharp and shinny razorblade will never cut again !!! bb............. bang! bang ! bang ! bang! bang !