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Dick Zaster
by TD Euwaite

There’s a crack in the plaster
Where inside lurks my master
She taunts and tells what to do
…and not to do

I do not have to listen
I have powers too
I’ll turn around and plug ears
Until your tantrum’s through

Please…let me cook my soup
I’ll set some on the stoop
In case you’re hungry
There inside my wall

Now, let me do my work
I don’t have time to flirt
With imaginary women anymore


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: *****
Dick Zaster
by TD Euwaite

There’s a crack in the plaster
Where inside lurks my master
She taunts and tells what to do
…and not to do

I do not have to listen
I have powers too
I’ll turn around and plug ears
Until your tantrum’s through

Please…let me cook my soup
I’ll set some on the stoop
In case you’re hungry
There inside my wall

Now, let me do my work
I don’t have time to flirt
With imaginary women anymore


LMAO! This is truly a witty ditty TD <3

Love it @)~>~

no i dont like your weeners new poem

sorry, not my cup of tea......

yeah, it's pretty good.

well it seems like you tried to hard with the rhymes, just let it floW!

did you see my poem about my package? some hater got it pulled and i'm sick and tired of being censored on this dump. i liked the word stoop, i may use it in my next poem about the vicious effects a chicken vindaloo had on my bowels last thusrday.

I understand the rhyme scheme. Imaginary people are sometimes more 'real' than real people. The title is funny.

What a disaster,
Dick Zaster's
lost his mind.

That, or a very vivid daydream.

I thoroughly enjoyed this great poem T.D.'as i do most of all of them as your writings are great and i love your story's to go with the poem as you bring us in like paintings bring in the viewer.........

Yes...good, good, good!!! Tells a story, let's you see the story,uh, and wonder about the reasons you wrote this poem....but, ain't that always the case!!!!!

Dondi Giggles

Sometimes you have to do the necessary things around the house or you'll soon be singing: "Oh no, don't let the rain come down." That will really be a dick zaster.

Sorry to hear your package was pulled . . uh better make that your package poem! :O)))
I thought it was hilarious.

This one has such a nice flow and message to it. I've read it 4-5 times now and it's intriquing each time. I sure can relate to the interruptive part bigtime. Love the image of "Imaginery women" where 'my work' is the real world for you.

On the other hand, if this, rather than being illustrative, is all too real to you, perhaps you should step out for a breath of air from time to time. :O))))