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Question:Can you help me rewrite this poem to be better?

Most birds soar but some birds swim.
Some birds tower, but others cower.
All birds sing but some better than others.
Birds, birds, birds.

Some birds are hunters but others are hunted.
Birds lay eggs, some big some small.
Some birds can talk like us, others sound like birds.
Birds, birds, birds.

Birds are beautiful, some by being colorful.
Some birds are dangerous but most are friendly.
Birds are individuals with their own personalities.
Birds, birds, birds.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can you help me rewrite this poem to be better?

Most birds soar but some birds swim.
Some birds tower, but others cower.
All birds sing but some better than others.
Birds, birds, birds.

Some birds are hunters but others are hunted.
Birds lay eggs, some big some small.
Some birds can talk like us, others sound like birds.
Birds, birds, birds.

Birds are beautiful, some by being colorful.
Some birds are dangerous but most are friendly.
Birds are individuals with their own personalities.
Birds, birds, birds.

There are birds that soar, and some that swim,
some that are fat, and some that are thin,
All birds sing, if you like their song,
birds birds birds

There are birds that hunt, and some are food,
and lay those eggs that taste real good
some that talk, all day long
birds birds birds

there are some with colors and some are plain
some that kill, and some that are tame,
each one has their very own song
birds birds birds

It would work well as a song lyric

Most birds soar but some birds swim.
Some birds lose and some birds win.

Some birds are hunters but others are hunted.
Some birds hit homers and some birds bunted.

Some birds can talk like us, others sound like birds.
So you can teach a parrot to speak a bunch of turd.

Birds are beautiful, some by being colorful.
And we eat all the chickens because they are plentiful.

Some birds are dangerous but most are friendly.
Some birds are rich. They even drive a Bently.

Birds, birds, birds.

Most birds soar, but some birds swim.
Some birds stride, and other birds hide.
All birds sing...some better than others.
Birds, birds, birds, all birds have mothers.

Some birds hunt, but all are hunted.
Some birds talk, but all have feathers.
Birds lay eggs, some bigger than others.
Birds, birds, birds, most birds have brothers.

Birds are beautiful on the wing.
Some birds kill, it's a predatory thing.
Many birds flock, individuals together.
Birds, birds, birds, out in the weather.

Honestly, the only thing I would really change is the 4th line (birds,birds,birds)

What do the birds stand for? Can you vary the lines with other imagery? Do you have an ultimate purpose -- such as a description or a vision?

Instead of "sound like birds" use words that pic, tap, click like birds...

Show the colors -- use the descriptions of colors red as ruby lips....... yellow as a daffodil...

Show don't tell.